includes sample proposals, templates, and 250 opportunity resources!

250 Contracting and Subcontracting Resources
The web is full of contracting and subcontracting resources for small businesses. We have made it simple for small businesses to locate these resources by compiling a list of 250 links to federal and state government resource offices, subcontracting opportunities, and registration portals. The resources are included in the eBook, "The Secrets To Winning The RFP" of the 7 tools found in The Response Proposal Kit!
Here are some of the 250 resources included: Partnership opportunities through subcontracting, joint ventures, contractor team arrangements, and mentor-protégé programs. vendor registration sites, funding sites, procurement and resource centers are also included.
The comprehensive grant Application kit!
This package includes a grant proposal detailing budget narratives and justification, solution narratives, 280 grant resources from federal, state, local, and private funders, and a quick reference providing the fundraising plan process.
Special! The Comprehensive Grant Application Kit is at a special price of $99 when you purchase The Response Proposal Kit. The Response Proposal Kit includes 250 Contracting Resources found in the eBook "The Secrets To Winning The RFP"! To purchase The Response Proposal Kit and get The Comprehensive Grant Application Kit at a reduced price, click the button below.