1-800-831-6780 |

We have the following Special Offers...Just For You!

  • If you separately purchase our products, the cost would total $357! But, if you purchase The Bid-Winning System and The Comprehensive Grant Application Kit for $84, you will receive all the products in both packages. That's a 76% Savings!  Click the $37 purchase button below to access both packages.
  • The Proposal+ Way Program is valued at $16,430. But for a limited time only, you can sign up for $997 - A 94% Savings!
  • FREE Bonuses! When you sign up for the Proposal+ Way Program, you will receive all of the bonuses listed in the "Package 3 Bonuses!" section below.

Here are the tools you need to create your grant or proposal response...

let us do it for you! 

Let us take away the guess work and stress from completing a winning grant application package or RFP Response Proposal. We created The Proposal+ Way Program for small businesses to receive the best-of-the-best proposal writing and capture management services at a fair price.